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Ocean County Vocational Technical School


Karen Homiek Su

Karen L. Homiek


Dr. Michael B. Maschi

Assistant Superintendent

Stephen J. Brennan, CPA

School Business Administrator


The mission of Ocean County Vocational Technical School is to provide an intensive and immersive educational experience aligned with the current and emerging demands of business, industry, and advanced education. We instill the knowledge, skills, and competencies required for students to experience success in entering the workforce, advancing along a career pathway, and achieving career aspirations.

Board of Education

Stephen Scaturro

Maureen C. Stankowitz

Vice President

Michael Donahue


Susan R. Naples

Interim Executive County Superintendent / Member


Ronald L. Rosetto


Karen L. Homiek


Dr. Michael B. Maschi

Assistant Superintendent


Stephen J. Brennan, CPA

School Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Building Administration

Alison Carroll

Principal, MATES


Dr. John Wnek

Supervisor, MATES 

Tierney Meeker

Principal, GPAA

Dr. Kyle Seiverd

Vice Principal, GPAA


Thomas McInerney

Principal, Waretown, ALPS

Christine Santasieri

Principal, Toms River, LPN

Christopher Mazur

Vice Principal, Toms River 


John Biscardi

Principal, Jackson

Lynn Sauer

Principal, Brick

Tiffany Seeley 

Vice Principal, Brick

Melanie Patterson

Principal, Student / Special Services

Dr. Michael Tash 

Principal, Technology

Jeremy Dusza

Principal, Adult Education 

Gary MacDonald

Director of Curriculum/Grants


Board of Commissioners

Commissioner Director John P. Kelly

Commissioner Deputy Director / OCVTS Liaison Frank Sadeghi

Commissioner / OCVTS Liaison Robert S. Arace

Commissioner Virginia E. Haines

Commissioner Jennifer Bacchione


It's encouraging to know that you have taken the time to review our website and perhaps make a career choice that could change your life forever.

Our website gives an easy to read, informative and comprehensive overview of the several career and academic programs offered by the Ocean County Vocational Technical School (OCVTS).

OCVTS is committed to our mission of preparing students for today’s demanding high-tech job market. Many of our programs offer opportunities for our students to earn college credits through articulation agreements with area colleges. These agreements, along with partnerships in business and industry, afford our students the competitive edge needed to be successful in our current employment environment.

New programs have been added this year which will increase employment opportunities in new and developing fields. The addition of accelerated training programs provides recent high school graduates and adult students alternatives to college with a shorter path to full-time employment.  

Each of our centers offers a learning environment that enhances the development of knowledge, skills and competencies in a chosen area. Our experienced and passionate staff is ready to support our students in their pursuit for future careers and profitable labor opportunities. The Job Placement Department has partnered with many businesses and industry leaders and is committed to matching our students with career opportunities with the greatest potential. Our Financial Aid Officer is also a viable resource for graduating students interested in furthering their education.

As we begin a new school year, I am excited about the myriad of opportunities that lie ahead. The Ocean County Vocational Technical School’s staff is committed to assist all students in the development of visions, aspirations, and ambitions towards rewarding careers.

Remember, “Life’s a Journey…Better Get Good Directions!”

Best of luck for a successful year!

Karen L. Homiek
Superintendent of Schools



  1. Be provided the opportunity to acquire the skills and competencies required for success through career exploration, progressive and rigorous content, goal setting, career counseling, and stackable credentials.

  2. Model integrity, ethical leadership, citizenship, and inclusivity.

  3. Consider the emotional, social, and economic impacts of their decisions.

  4. Be provided the opportunity to become meaningful and productive members of society.

  5. Be engaged learners through practical application of skills, culminating in preparedness for a career, advanced education, and life.

  6. Be accountable for their own actions - demonstrating motivation, initiative, innovation, and dignity.

  7. Be provided authentic learning experiences and advanced opportunities through meaningful partnerships with business, industry, post-secondary institutions, and community agencies.

  8. Be offered a cost efficient and carefully crafted educational training program that supports economic development at the local, state, and national level.

  9. Be presented multiple pathways to success in a career.



  1. Demonstrate mastery of career ready practices, occupational specific skills,
    and academic skills.


  2. Be able to identify, create, and execute short and long term goals toward a career pathway.

  3. Maintain sustainability in a global, competitive market through innovation, resiliency, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.

  4. Identify risks as "opportunities" to "fall forward".

  5. Acquire marketable skills, knowledge, and training to succeed in future careers and to be come lifelong learners.

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